Spiral classifier and hydrocyclone are both mineral processing classifiers. The ore processing classifier generally include four kinds, increased flow hydrocyclone classifier, cone classifier, centrifugal classifier( hydrocyclone ) and mechanical classifier ( rake classifier, spiral Classifier and Floating tank classifier). Today, we are going to only choose Spiral classifier and hydrocyclone those two equipment to create a detailed comparison, the reason being that they are one of the most popular classifiers in this mill plant, currently.
Spiral Classifier is a form of mechanical classifier, which is composited by u-shaped cistern, spiral device, transmission device, lifting mechanism, bearings and also other parts.
The running principle of spiral classifier is: the milled pump was fed to the u-shaped slot from spiral classifiers feeding mouth, following the continuously rotations and stirrings from the spiral device, the sunshine and fine particles were suspended from the pulp surface and flowed through the overflow weir; as well as the thick and heavy particles were settled on the bottom, transported through the spiral device for the port of discharge, re-entered the mill grinding.
You will find generally two spiral classifier classification methods, you are as per the number of screw shaft, it could be separated into double and single spiral classifier spiral classifier; Another kind is using the overflow weir height, it could be separated into high low weir, weir and submerged.
Hydrocyclone is a type of using centrifugal force role grading equipment, mainly comprised by the feed tube, cone, cylinder shell, sand mouth and overflow pipe, etc.
The significant principle of hydrocyclone is: under the pressure of 0.5-2.5 kg / cm2 within the inlet, the pulp was feed into the cyclone cylinder along the down the tangent direction with the feed tube. Quite a lot of centrifugal force was produced due to the rotations of the inside part of hydrocyclone, under the action of centrifugal force, the coarser one was thrown towards wall, combined with spiral descent flow, and was discharged in the discharge mouth.
Benefits of hydrocyclone are: It's simply constructed and has no moving parts; your little friend size covered small footprint; it has large capacity per unit area, and very easy to operate and look after, so, the charge is extremely low; whats more, the classification efficiency and sorting accuracy tend to be more higher; also it needs lesser quantity and time for pulp to keep; the benefits are more apparent when working with a sizable ball mill. Naturally, the hydrocyclone has its shortcomings, such as pulp needs your head in the pump to delivery; it takes stable working pressure when working; and possesses higher demand to the particle size and power of the pulp, what else is the fact, it might be worn more severe.
Spiral classifier has more significantly highlighting advantages compared to hydrocyclone, like, It can be reliable and straightforward to function; the staging area is smooth and finer overflowed particle size can be purchased. Whats more, the trough slope is easier for sand returning into towards ball mill. As well as these, a few of domestic mining machine manufacturers have improvements to spiral classifier, e.g.,Yantai Xinhai mining machinery company has give a sand-returning automatic lifting device inside the sand-returning end in the spiral classifier, so as to substitute the tablespoons head from the ball mill. Which enables the ball mill run more smoothly.
Shortcomings of spiral classifier are: Its relatively cumbersome and also the classification efficiency is low; the spindle is frangible and the maintenance is very inconvenient; possesses poor overflow bearing seal in the bottom of spiral classifier; what else, a finer classification overflow fineness is tough to acquire particularly when the asked overflow granularity is -0.074mm and accounts greater than 90%.
Overall, spiral classifier and hydrocyclone are widely applied in this country, each one has his metier.
email : yjqu@xinhaimining.net